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How to dehydrate basil in oven

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Dried basil is perfect garnishment to season fish, lentils, chickpeas, soups, pasta, and rice dishes. Basil is the easiest herb to dehydrate to make it crispy and crumbly for long term storage. 

When fresh basil is not available, dehydrated basil makes a great substitution. Dried herbs do not spoil, and tend to have a more concentrated flavor.

Food is generally dried in a dehydrator, but an oven is another alternate method to dry herbs and vegetables without buying another appliance.

How do you dehydrate basil in the oven? Wash the basil under cool running water. Remove the basil leaves from the stem and pat dry with paper towels to eliminate any excess moisture.

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Fahrenheit or 77 degrees Celsius. Time ranges between 45 minutes to 3 hours depending on the amount and condition of oven, and dehydrate until the basil leaves are crispy and dry.

Basil has a tendency to turn brown during dehydrating process because of overcooking and improper temperature, even on a low setting. 

This article shares tips to prevent any discoloration or burning the basil leaves. Answered below are frequently asked questions to successfully dehydrate basil in the oven.

Is it worth drying basil?

Yes, it is worthwhile to dry basil. Dehydrating herbs preserves the nutrients and flavor for extended time periods.

Especially during the summertime, it is common to have basil plants in the garden or small pots in the kitchen window. Before the plant dies or the warm weather comes to an end, save the remaining basil leaves to be used throughout the remainder of the year.

Drying method is the simplest and most affordable way to preserve herbs for a year or longer. Removing moisture in herbs results in a stronger flavor and aroma, especially in basil leaves.

Herbs like dill and parsley tend to lose or change flavor when dried. Therefore, all herbs are not really worth drying for storage.

On the other hand, basil tastes more like deep basil aroma that complements well in meat or pasta dishes.

Should basil be washed before drying?

Yes, basil should be washed before drying. The goal is to clean off any dirt and dust without damaging the color, texture or taste of the leaves.

Only wash basil in cool running water for a few seconds, and then pat dry with paper towels before dehydrating.

There are lots of discussions regarding whether washing basil will loose its nutrients. However, drying washed basil quickly enough causes no need to worry about antioxidant or vitamins A and C from being lost.

How do you dry basil without a dehydrator?

Drying basil without a dehydrator is straightforward and easy. Use an oven to do the job quickly and effectively.

In cool running water, quickly rinse the basil. Pat to dry with a kitchen towel all around so there are no water drops on the leaves.

Pluck the basil leaves from the stem and arrange the individual leaves in a single layer on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Avoid overcrowding or overlap the leaves as they will get stuck and won’t dry out properly. 

Preheat the oven at 170 degrees Fahrenheit or 77 degrees Celsius on a low temperature setting.

Dry for 45 minutes to 3 hours or until the basil is crispy and completely dry. Time varies depending on the oven calibration and amount of basil being dried.

To identify when basil leaves are finished dehydrating, they should be crumble when picked up. 

After the first 30 minutes, check every 10 minutes to make sure they don’t burn.

Remove the dried basil leaves from the oven and use a mortar and pestle or your fingers to crumble into a fine powder. Let the dried basil cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

Can you dehydrate basil leaves in the oven?

Yes, you can dehydrate basil leaves in the oven. In fact, it is the quickest and easiest way to preserve herbs instead of using a dehydrator.

Drying basil leaves in the oven extends the shelf life, and whole dry basil leaves retain aromatic oils and flavors better than fresh leaves over time.

In comparison, fresh basil leaves have a higher water content which is why the flavor tends to not be as strong.

Furthermore, dried basil has a higher nutrient content and many health benefits to add to all types of dishes.

What temperature do you dehydrate basil?

The ideal recommended temperature to dehydrate basil at 170 degrees Fahrenheit or 77 degrees Celsius.

Other than the preparation and drying time, temperature setting is an important factor to dehydrate basil without burning.

The temperature setting also reflects the condition of oven and the amount of basil leaves you plan to dry.

Tips to dehydrate basil in the oven

Without a dehydrator, using an oven to dry basil leaves can be tricky. It can easily become brown or burn when not done properly.

Here are some tips to successfully dehydrate basil in the oven:

  • Wash basil leaves thoroughly under cold running water.
  • Remove the basil leaves from stem and do not dry with the stem.
  • Use salad spinner or colander to dry and pour off any excess water.
  • Pat the leaves dry with a paper towel.
  • Arrange in a single layer and use parchment paper to absorb any additional water content during drying process.
  • Check the progress often because they transition from dry to burnt relatively quickly.
How to dehydrate basil in oven

Dehydrate Basil in Oven: Conclusion

Dried basil is one of the most versatile herbs that can be used in many recipes. From soup to roasting meat, and pasta dishes, it is alternative ingredients when fresh herbs are not available.

Additionally, dried basil leaves tend to have more fragrance, flavor and higher nutrients and vitamins compared to fresh ones due to the nonexistent water content.

Prepare the basil leaves by quickly washing in cool running water and do not over wash them to prevent from bruising the tender leaves.

Separate the leaves from stem and pat to dry with a kitchen towel. This helps to retain the nutrients and speed up the drying process in the oven.

Set the oven to low temperature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit or 77 degrees Celsius. Dry for 45 minutes to 3 hours, or until they are crispy and easy to crumble.

Check the basil every 10 minutes to prevent from burning because the dried leaves go from done to burnt very quickly

Once the basil is completely dried, let it cool to room temperature and crumble into small pieces to store for an extended time period.

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